ABOUt coaching with me
The secret is that the power is within you. My purpose as a coach and mentor is to shed light on parts of you that you have never seen for yourself. With guidance to awaken your hidden strengths we will allow real change to occur that will be the difference between dreaming about a life, to actually living your dream.
By asking you powerful questions I strip away the lies, fears and any blockages, which are the reasons why you are not there yet..
We dive into the deepest parts of you to unleash your own, unique genius. From that space, no matter where you take your ride, it's always worth it.
Get clarity on what you want
Find a truly purposeful career/business that suits your unique talents and skills
Gain structured plan of how you will approach your goals
Find fulfilment and satisfaction
Feel comfortable and confident
Be motivated to take action
Create empowering habits and beliefs
Reduce stress and anxiety
Build ultimate relationships
Discover and walk your spiritual path
tony Robbins
coaching academy

What is life coaching and how can you benefit from it?
We all have our dreams and desires, and we are all capable of making them a reality, but there is always something holding us back - lack of self worth, fear of failure, limiting beliefs that we have about ourselves and about the world. There are many challenges along the way and for that very reason you are here on my website exploring coaching.
When I ask my clients about their biggest success and what made them achieve it, they say things like: 'I was very determent',

'I wanted it more than anything else in life', 'I was really confident about getting it'. All the answers related to a state of being rather than a strategy. Reserchers show that eighty procent of any success is mindset and it is life coaching that helps you to build one, tailored to your personal needs.
You might have a goal, but something is keeping you stuck-otherwise you would be there already. Life coaches purpose is to guide you in the process of breaking through fear, limitations and any obstacles which you experience.
And if you don't have clear direction in life just yet, they will help you discover yourself again and set purposful goals as well as step by step plan of how to get there.
Most successful people don't handle obstacles alone, they have their own coaches and mentors, who unable them to overcome every single one of them.

what results you can expect from my coaching expertise
clarity of who you really are and what you really want
Tap into your core beliefs, values and passions, so you can start living with a true purpose. Learn practices anabling you to ignite your authentic self.
unwavering strength
Gain inner courage, confidence and motivation so nothing stops you from taking action. Learn how to develop self-belief and stay deeply rooted no metter which way the wind blows.
Fulfilling career and business
Discover tested and proven tools to create a successful mindset as well as a bulletproof plan for a lifelasting fulfillemnt and abundance.
joy and happiness in every day life
​Happiness is not a conjunction of accidents, nor a goal to get to. It is a place to come from-master how to dive into it.
love and connection in relationships
Ultimate relationships follow a recepice for success, they are created not found. Master the art of lasting love and passion.​
During our one to one coaching experience, in an atmosphere of trust and openness you will be able to uncover what it is that you truly want to achieve in terms of your professional and personal goals. You will also identify your beliefs, values, attributes and what really matters in your world, so you can find a perfect alignment in your career, relationships and everything you do. Finally, we design unique strategies (tailor made for you) of how to get where you want to be and bridge the gap towards success. If you wish to find out more, please read my client's testimonials, their stories will answer most of your questions.

Ravinder Bhangoo
" "The coaching sessions with Paula helped me to redirect my focus towards the most important areas of my life that I was procrastinating to address for a very long time. . . . . read more

Yas Batchelor
"I got out from the 8 coaching sessions I had with Paula. She is a great listener and made me realise I needed to give up work because it was taking up too much time" . . . . read more

Jean-Henri Kong
"My sincere thank you for our coaching sessions, I am truly grateful for your help in my professional goals and the breakthroughs. You are at the core a true leader ". . . . read more
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